The SOS response rates are climbingbut not fast enough for us to close today Hello everyone
I just wanted to let you know that our response rate since my last message on 16 October has gone up.
We have now reached the 60% mark, which means that although more than half of us have answered it is still not enough to come close to the response rate of the last SOS (67%).
As we should try to reach at
least this figure this year also, the SOS steering committee has decided
to extend the survey by one week until 30 October to give everyone at Eurostat a chance to respond.
The survey is a great
opportunity for everyone working at Eurostat to provide feedback, to
help improve our workplace and management styles across the
All you need to do is to click here
or the link on the front page of Cybernews to go
directly to the SOS EU Survey, where you can fill in the questionnaire.
The password for the survey is: 2015
As I have promised, the first general results will be published in early November.
- Any questions, please contact Teodora
Horizon 2020 – research opportunities publishedPlease inform your contacts at NSIs, universities and research institutes Horizon
2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever with
nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020).
The calls for the new 2016-2017 Work Programmes of
Horizon 2020 have just been published, and the Research and Innovation
team of unit B1 has in a first review identified a number of calls which would be interesting from an official statistics perspective.
Eurostat, as part of the European Commission,
cannot itself participate in Horizon 2020 projects, but we have an
important role in keeping official statistics researchers in the Member
States informed about the opportunities that the calls offer, and
encouraging them to team up with colleagues to submit research
proposals. In case you have contacts at universities, R&D or
methodology departments at NSIs etc., you are strongly encouraged to
make them aware about these opportunities.
In case you spot other calls in the 2016-2017 Work Programmes
which you think would be interesting to the official statistics
research community, you are also most welcome to drop a line to the
Research and Innovation team, so that we could include them in the list
of calls to monitor and promote.
Call for papers for the Q2016 Conference Conference to take place in Madrid between 31 May – 3 June next year
The next Quality Conference will take place in Madrid between
31 May and 3 June 2016. As in the past, the conference will offer
participants a platform for high-level discussions on many diverse
quality issues.
The conference aims at covering relevant and
innovative topics on quality, ranging from the challenges and the new
paradigm of quality in an information and knowledge-driven society,
including Big Data and multi-source statistics, to governance and
management aspects such as those linked to the ESS Vision 2020
or the lessons learned from the 2013-2015 peer reviews in the European
As an open forum of debate, the conference represents an
opportunity to introduce innovation in the measurement and management of
quality in statistical domains and in specific statistical products. In
addition, a series of short training courses will be held on 31 May
Colleagues who are interested in participating in the event are invited to take a look at the list of topics
and to submit an abstract for evaluation. The length of the abstracts
should not exceed 300 words in either MS-Word (.doc, docx) or pdf-format
(more information and a template are available: Abstracts Submission).
All Eurostat abstracts need to be submitted first to the respective Director by 6 November, who will select the abstracts in their Directorate and will submit them to by 20 November 2015 at the latest.
As a next step, unit
D4 will evaluate all abstracts received from the Directorates based on
the five criteria announced in the document no. 899_2.3, presented at
the 899th Directors Meeting of 14th September 2015:
- The proposal refers to quality topics that are easily identifiable within the conference programme;
- The proposal covers new work (innovation/novelty);
- The proposal is relevant for the ESS;
- The proposal has scientific grounds;
- The proposal would benefit from a discussion in the conference.
The coverage of the various topics will be also
taken into account during the selection process. The results of this
evaluation will be submitted to the Director General who will decide
upon the final list of Eurostat abstracts.
These will be submitted to the Q2016 conference
secretariat by ESTAT-Quality team, by 12 December 2015 at the latest.
The final list of selected abstracts as decided by the Q2016 Programme
Committee will be available in February 2016. Eurostat colleagues will
be informed directly by the quality team. Once the abstracts are
selected, the deadline for papers will be 15 April 2016 (new procedure of publication of scientific papers by Eurostat staff to be used for papers).
Training offer - New courses announced Places still left for other courses New courses/information sessions
Language courses – Enrolment open in Syslog!
- STANDARD COURSES: Levels up to 8 for 24 languages and up to level 12 in EN, FR, DE
- WEEKLY STANDARD COURSES: Enrolments from 12.10.2015 - 04.12.2015
SPRING SESSION: 07.03.2016 - 08.07.2016
PLACEMENT TESTS for 2016 WEEKLY COURSES: Enrolments from 12.10.2015 - 06.11.2015
A registration to a placement test does not
constitute an application for a course. A placement test is used to
define a level and should be completed before registration to a
Applications which arrive after the deadline will not be considered.
Places still left!
The training will allow Domain managers to retrieve, upload and create specific objects in the Registry.
Participants will be introduced to the new Euro SDMX Registry
and its functionalities (a redesigned graphical interface;
accessibility to data structures, code lists, etc.; filtering
possibilities; sharing objects; the enhanced user management function;
compliancy with SDMX 2.0 and 2.1 objects, etc.).
To enable participants to understand the scope,
architecture, and features of SDMX, in particular those features that
support more efficient processes for reporting, exchanging and
disseminating statistical data and metadata.
Objective: to introduce the basic ideas and methods of
statistical matching and data linkage and discuss methodological aspects
of these new emerging areas. It will include a special emphasis on
designing and monitoring production processes involving different
Objective: Help project managers who are working with
contracts to better monitor and control their project. Raise awareness
of the importance of incorporating monitoring and control mechanism in
the call for tender.
Objective: to offer basic
tools to understand Economics around us, without the use of any
mathematical formulation, but simply drawing its inspiration from the
elements of everyday life.
EUSA training programme
For Heads of Unit with at least one-and-a-half years' experience in their function who are ready to look at the way they manage from a different angle. Compulsory for Heads of Unit within the Commission.
To enable participants to:
- Measure the gap between the expectations of their institution and their performance and that of their unit
- Analyse how they and their teams function using Robert Dilts' Neurological Levels model
- Explore new ways of doing things with the help of the other participants and trainers.
Workshop for Heads of Unit
As a result of attending this training programme, participants will be able to:
- Distinguish
between five different "key moments" in the relationship with their
Director and apply different tools depending on the situation - one for
each key
- Understand their own
needs and expectations and those of their Director, in terms of
personality, role, communication, meetings, results, etc.
- Pinpoint where communication with their hierarchy can be difficult
- Understand cultural differences in relation to hierarchy and power.
Atelier pour tous les managers AST et AD : chefs d'unité, chefs d'unité adjoints, chefs de secteur ou d'équipe.
A l'issue de ce programme de formation, les participants seront capables de :
- Conceptualiser le travail à réaliser dans l'équipe
- Visualiser le flux de travail et suivre l'intégralité du flux
- Maintenir un équilibre entre la charge de travail variable et la capacité de leur équipe.
For contacts and more information:
- Please check regularly the Training Box below.
- Contacts: ESTAT TRAINING TEAM, Unit A2 - L&D team
If you would like to be added to the distribution list of the weekly Commission's Learning Bulleting, please email HR B3 COFO.
My Intracomm revamped as from 1 NovemberAccess to Cybernews changed As from 1 November, My Intracomm is being revamped to include:
- a new simplified home page bearing the Commission's corporate visual identity
- a clearer, simplified navigation and information architecture
allowing easier access to the content and functionalities staff need to
do their work
- an improved search function
- greater interactivity
- a responsive design for improved accessibility from mobile devices.

At the same time and following a recent decision by Vice-President
Georgieva to foster a more corporate culture across the Commission,
Cybernews will no longer be your homepage but will be replaced by the
first page of My Intracomm. To access Cybernews you will need to
click the “My DG” tab at the top of the page.
Using this opportunity the Cybernews team is also working on a new
improved look and functionalities, for next year, taking into account
your proposals sent to us over the summer.
Au programme les jours à venirExpos, shopping, jazz opera and more Friday:
Exposition "Landscapes"
Jusqu'au 8 novembre, Château de Bourglinster, rue du Château 6162, Bourglinster, Luxembourg
L'équipe du Ministère de la Culture, service d'Animation
Culturelle Régionale Est, et le Lëtzebuerger Artisten Center, ont le
plaisir de vous inviter à l'exposition "Landscapes", ouverte de mercredi
à dimanche de 15:00 à 18:00.
Artistes : Alain Auffray, Jean-Marie Biwer, Thomas Brenner,
Patrick Charpentier, Raymond Clement, Martine Daniels-Marson, Sergio Di
Paoli, Pierre Doome, Sybille Feidt, Jean Fetz, Dieter Framke, et etc.
Randonnée VTT
24 octobre de 08:00 à 17:00, Centre Sportif Rodange, 1 rue Jos Moscardo 4840, Rodange, Luxembourg
La randonnée VTT consistera en parcours 25km et 45km. Ravitaillement - Départ: 9:00 - Dernière arrivée 17:00. Dans le centre sportif, vous pourriez utiliser le parking-Bike Wash, les vestiaires et la buvette (restauration).
Pour plus d'information: +352 691 687 203 ou
Saturday and Sunday:
24-25 octobre, 10:00-19:00, Luxexpo, 10 circuit de la Foire Internationale, Luxembourg-Kirchberg
Plusieurs exposants dans des halls différents:
Pour plus d'informations, visitez le site de Luxexpo.
Mantelsonndeg 2015
On Sunday 25 of October, Luxembourg invites you to go shopping on “Mantelsonndeg”. It’s a traditional opportunity to prepare yourself for the winter.
Many shops in different cities and some shopping centers are open from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
- Check the list of the open shops here.
Visite guidée Op der Haardt
25 octobre, 11:00-13:00, Parking Boulodrome, rue Reiteschkopp 5751, Dudelange, Luxembourg
Cette visite vous offre une randonnée exceptionnelle à travers la
réserve naturelle « Op der Haardt ». Vous allez rencontrer en permanence
des témoins de l'exploitation minière. Des fronts de taille, des
entrées de mines, un ancien crassier et des carrières marquent le
paysage à beaucoup d'endroits.
- Pour plus d'informations: our plus d'informations: our plus d'informations: ORT Sud, tel: +352 547 383 599 1
Upcoming days:
Concert d'automne du Foyer Européen
27 octobre, 20:00, JMO, salle CC/111
Des morceaux de tout genre interprétés par membres et amis du Club. Avec: Antoine Cipriani, Daiva Karazijaite, Filomena Domingues, Gerald Weber et Geoff Piper.
Jazz Opera BLUE SHEETS by Nils Thoma (ESTAT)
 7, 8, 10, 27, 28 November 2015, the cultural centre, Tufa in Trier (, Germany
A huge project involving both professionals and amateurs
organised for Tufa's cultural centre 30th anniversary and written
by our colleague Nils THOMA from Unit C.2!
He is an active jazz musician (saxophone and recorder player, composer and arranger), head of Trier’s Jazz Club (,, a big band conductor ( and leader of a couple of well-known jazz bands.
contribution to this project is also the fulfilment of a
yearlong dream. He has composed a Jazz opera, where the different art
forms are combined: music, text (libretto), acting, dance, scenery,
costumes and light — all elements of a classical opera.
Befitting the story (written by libretto writer and director
Stefan Bastians) which takes place in a cloth mill, the opera will
not be performed in a traditional venue like the theatre but in a very
new venue in Trier, the Walzwerk in Trier-Kürenz; a huge
old factory building. ‘Blue’ is the obvious colour of Jazz and
Blues, and ‘sheets’ has to do with Tufa actually being a former
Tuchfabrik (cloth mill).
music will ‘touch’ many different kinds and shades of ‘jazz’: There
will be Blues, there are Pop and Rock numbers, there is old and new
swing, there are modern tunes.
There is help by countless people, and the Theater Trier is also taking part.
Of course, the biggest help would be if you could come:
Sold-out performances will be the best argument to prove that slightly
crazy ideas in the cultural world might also work out. So Nils gives you
a friendly invitation.