@DOG – JCT: Jazz-Club Trier e.V. (Trier/Germany)

Band-Porträt: »The Chaplins«

live music soundtracks to classical movies

Bandfoto »The Chaplins«
Bild: B_6884_1.jpg
Bandgröße Quartett ⇒ Line-Up: Gitarre (g) · Keyboards (kb) & Saxophone (sax) · Bass (b) · Schlagzeug (dr)
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Wirkungskreis Luxemburg
Stil Jazz inspired music
KontaktpersonGawlik, David E-Mail schreiben an:
Musiker Letztes uns bekanntes Lineup bei einem Jazz-Club-Event:
01 – Gawlik, David [ dr ]
02 – Kafka, Jacek [ kb, sax ]
03 – Nedza, Wojciech [ b ]
04 – Siminski, Bogdan [ g ]
Presseinfo JCT (*) If you like classical movies performed with live music, ...
... then The Chaplins are just the right thing for you. The Chaplins combine classical cinema with live modern soundtracks, all of which are composed exclusively by the band, ranging from melodic harmonies, wild rhythms to floating melodies. The tracks are characterised with the perfectly synchronised interaction between the music and the images of the film. Through enthusiasm, musical creativity and good craft, an unforgettable movie-concert is guaranteed. The Chaplins are excited to release their new live score to these classical silent films.

(*) Informationen stammen vom Jazz-Club Trier e.V.
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AktualitätUns vorliegende Information am 21.10.2018

»The Chaplins« spielte für den Jazz-Club Trier e.V. und seine Kooperationspartner auf folgender Veranstaltung:
21.10.2018 Bar-Jazz | Kulturkneipe Zum Schwarzen Kopf | Gastraum | Saarburg |